Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

PGMC recognizes that effective sustainability reporting will build trust with stakeholders as the Company demonstrates transparency and accountability. Through this report, both internal and external stakeholders can be engaged to continue the ongoing conversations as an organization moving as one towards delivering the most impact for the SDGs.

Reporting, therefore, is part of a whole stakeholder engagement framework that includes every proactive campaign in all available channels used by the Company. The success of its sustainability strategies and the framework relies deeply on the quality of the stakeholder engagements and its ability to connect and communicate with them in a timely and effective manner through channels that are accessible, convenient, and inclusive.

This was proven once again as the circumstances in 2020 called for implementing agile and responsive tactics within the channels and optimizing them to ensure the Company can suitably respond to the concerns of stakeholders that emerged due to the pandemic as well as long-term aspects material to them.