Platinum Group Metals Corporation Celebrates 2015 Earth Day

Earth Day Celebration held every 22nd day of April worldwide which aims to promote environmental awareness, & dedication in protecting as well as conserving our natures remaining resources.

Platinum Group Metals Corporation’s Environmental Division spearhead this once a year Celebration through a tree plating activity with a theme “Earth Day, Everyday, Everywhere, for Everyone”. The tree planting activity started at 8:00 am at Platinum Heightsof which more than 60 participants , from Environment Division, Contractors and Subcontrators (Frasec Ventures Corporation, 4K Development Coporation and JL Earthmoving Corporation), joined the said event. One thousand and six hundred fifty (1,650) seedlings of Narra, Maribuhok, Mancono and Auricoliformis were planted  following the 2 by 3 meters spacing which is equivalent to one hectare. The activity ends by 9:00am.

The Planting Activity was initiated to protect, enhance and preserve PGMC’s forested and denuded areas. It will also be the basis to the company’s effort in its commitment in Forest Protection and Restoration.